Natural treatments for ADHD
Mental health conditions are chronic and complex issues which can severely affect someone's life, work, relationships and family. ADHD is one of the most common mental health diagnoses, particularly in children, but more adults are being diagnosed with ADHD too.
All mental health conditions and ADHD have known root causes, and it's never just the one cause, but a number of them which can be different in each person. Sadly the medical system never looks at the root causes, but just "manages" the symptoms with medications that often don't work, or which cause many side effects.
My approach is different - to find all the root causes of the ADHD in each person, and formulate a treatment plan to address all the root causes as well as symptom relief. This is the ONLY way to reduce symptoms and reverse mental health conditions, for quick relief of symptoms as well as long-term resolution and prevention!
I specialise in complex and chronic cases, which includes mental health conditions of all types, including:
All mental health conditions and ADHD have known root causes, and it's never just the one cause, but a number of them which can be different in each person. Sadly the medical system never looks at the root causes, but just "manages" the symptoms with medications that often don't work, or which cause many side effects.
My approach is different - to find all the root causes of the ADHD in each person, and formulate a treatment plan to address all the root causes as well as symptom relief. This is the ONLY way to reduce symptoms and reverse mental health conditions, for quick relief of symptoms as well as long-term resolution and prevention!
I specialise in complex and chronic cases, which includes mental health conditions of all types, including:
- ADHD (and ADD)
- Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Pyrrole Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder
- Psychoaffective Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- and related conditions and diagnoses.
Any treatment for ADHD starts with a detailed investigation, including:
- Thorough questioning of all aspects of health in the Initial Consultation, of your symptoms and conditions of concern, your diet, your lifestyle, stresses, energy, various areas of body function, physical tests and more
- Blood pathology testing and holistic analysis of the results (IIFP - Institute for Integrative and Functional Pathology analysis)
- Functional medicine testing as needed
- My unique root cause analysis process, to find all of the root causes in each person
- And other investigations as needed.
Treatments for ADHD is very individual. Or at least they should be! But that's not the medical approach, which is "You have <insert diagnosis>, take this pill". Medications may possibly reduce symptoms, but they will never fix or "cure" your symptoms and conditions. Medications always introduce side effects, which are additional symptoms which you didn't have before taking the medication. Many side effects of medications can be just as bad or even worse than the actual condition.
Never do doctors look into the causes of your symptoms and conditions. But this is essential for your personalised treatment plan to reduce and reverse your mental health issues and improve your mental health and overall physical health too.
Some ADHD treatments will include:
This is how I can help you with any mental health conditions and symptoms, by finding all the root causes in your case, along with symptom relief too, for long term resolution, and to help you back to health!
Never do doctors look into the causes of your symptoms and conditions. But this is essential for your personalised treatment plan to reduce and reverse your mental health issues and improve your mental health and overall physical health too.
Some ADHD treatments will include:
- Dietary advice and recommendations (to reduce nutrient deficiencies and excesses)
- Improving digestive system function
- Improving microbiome balance (ie, reducing dysbiosis)
- Improving neurotransmitter production and balance
- Reducing inflammation and oxdative damage which causes many symptoms
- Improving organ functions and metabolism
- Improving detoxing functions and a detox protocol as needed
- Ongoing prevention.
This is how I can help you with any mental health conditions and symptoms, by finding all the root causes in your case, along with symptom relief too, for long term resolution, and to help you back to health!
ADHD Information/training webinar for those with ADHD, families and practitioners
From my years of experience in seeing many clients with mental health conditions and ADHD in particular, I tend to see the same patterns of causes and factors coming up all the time. I have read hundreds of published studies on ADHD aspects such as diagnosing, testing, and treatments.
I have put together a training/educational webinar recording on "Redefining ADHD: The causes, controversies, testing and treatment" to share my experience and research into this common mental health diagnosis.
In this webinar, I will be looking into the details of ADHD, including:
This webinar is for those with ADHD, for parents of children with ADHD, for carers, natural health practitioners, and even Medical or Allied Health practitioners too. This is the most comprehensive and balanced source of information, research and advice on ADHD anywhere! The information in this training can help to improve your quality of life, as well as physical and mental health, and for long-term resolution of ADHD symptoms.
Available NOW to access and watch at your convenience, for as long and often as you need and with no expiry!
Duration: approximately 10 hours (in separate sessions/topics to make it easier to digest!)
Tickets: $79 (Australian). For a short time, for Black Friday/EOY/Xmas (until end-Dec 2024) get 25% off your ticket! Now only $59, so you save $20!
Tickets can be purchased HERE for immediate access to this ADHD recording.
I have put together a training/educational webinar recording on "Redefining ADHD: The causes, controversies, testing and treatment" to share my experience and research into this common mental health diagnosis.
In this webinar, I will be looking into the details of ADHD, including:
- The problems with diagnosing ADHD, and whether ADHD is a real diagnosis or not!
- What is ADHD compared to other ASD or neurological conditions
- Symptoms of ADHD, including the whole body symptoms that are not taken into account in an ADHD diagnosis
- If ADHD isn't a complete diagnosis or a real condition, and cannot be tested, then what is it?
- Testing for ADHD, and the tests which SHOULD be done but are not typically done
- What are the root causes of ADHD. Yes there are known causes
- The complications or risks of not treating ADHD
- Treating "ADHD" naturally and holistically
- Research and published studies on ADHD
- And much more.
This webinar is for those with ADHD, for parents of children with ADHD, for carers, natural health practitioners, and even Medical or Allied Health practitioners too. This is the most comprehensive and balanced source of information, research and advice on ADHD anywhere! The information in this training can help to improve your quality of life, as well as physical and mental health, and for long-term resolution of ADHD symptoms.
Available NOW to access and watch at your convenience, for as long and often as you need and with no expiry!
Duration: approximately 10 hours (in separate sessions/topics to make it easier to digest!)
Tickets: $79 (Australian). For a short time, for Black Friday/EOY/Xmas (until end-Dec 2024) get 25% off your ticket! Now only $59, so you save $20!
Tickets can be purchased HERE for immediate access to this ADHD recording.
Book in for your consultation by clicking on the blue "Book online now" button link below, and selecting the "Initial Naturopathic Consultation" option, and a suitable day and time for you.
I look forward to helping you!
I look forward to helping you!