The COVID vaccines being developed and tested are based on new technologies, rather than tried and tested techniques of vaccine development and delivery in the past. Several of the current COVID vaccines underway are using a genetically-modified type of virus called adenovirus type-5 (Ad5) with parts of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, in an attempt to stimulate an immune response and therefore immunity to the virus. An article in the Science journal (Cohen, 2020) shows 4 of the current COVID vaccines being tested are using the Ad5 vector that raised these concerns 10 years ago.
The authors of the Lancet article published today were involved in the attempted development and testing of an HIV vaccine over 10 years ago, using the same genetically-modified Ad5 virus, but all studies during testing found that the HIV vaccine actually INCREASED the risks of acquiring HIV. This finding confirms similar studies in monkeys (Buchbinder, McElrath, Dieffenbach & Corey, 2020).
A strange finding in several studies earlier in the coronavirus pandemic, which I wrote about at the time, found that the coronavirus was a genetically-modified mix of several viruses, including the 2003 SARS coronavirus AND the HIV type 1 virus... Coincidence?! I think not.
Considering that it is the strength and good functioning of your immune system that is the ONLY thing that can prevent and protect you from any infection, and also assist you in overcoming the infection and get you back to health, the findings from the old HIV vaccine testing, and in the published Lancet article, are very concerning. The alleged purpose of any vaccine is to IMPROVE your immune system function and prevent a future infection of that pathogen. But these studies and many more show this not to be true. Some of the new COVID vaccines may INCREASE your risk of getting HIV, which reduces your immune system function (as allegedly HIV infects your immune system's white blood cells), and can then lead you to be more susceptible to COVID or ANY other infection in future.
The authors of the Lancet paper suggest that some of the new COVID vaccines will increase the risks of acquiring HIV, and they recommend testing should be done more thoroughly to prevent this. They also recommend people getting this vaccine be given full informed consent documents so they can weigh up the considerable risk of HIV based on a large amount of published studies showing this risk using the modified Ad5 virus in the COVID vaccines. Wishful thinking perhaps, as sadly, "informed consent" is never given by doctors who administer any vaccine, and the repercussions of not getting the COVID vaccine based on government warnings (despite the 99.9% survival rate of those who get it) will be severe.
Stay informed, and stay healthy!
Buchbinder, S.P., McElrath, M.J., Dieffenbach, C., & Corey, L. (2020). Use of adenovirus type-5 vectored vaccines: a cautionary tale. The Lancet, 396 (10260), E68-69. Doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32156-5
Cohen, J. (2020). Could certain COVID-19 vaccines leave people more vulnerable to the AIDS virus? Science. Retrieved 31st October 2020 from Doi:10.1126/science.abf3359