In short, all plastics leach chemicals into the food or water they contain. And plastics leach chemicals at much greater rates when the plastic or food is warmer, or even when frozen in plastic containers.
The issues with plastics are that the chemicals in them (BP-A, BP-S and similar, PCB, PVC, phthalates, parabens and more) are "endocrine disruptors" or chemicals which mimic or disrupt your body hormones, particularly your sex hormones and mainly the female hormone oestrogen. An increased amount of oestrogen in your body can cause a number of severe and dangerous symptoms or effects, such as:
- Thyroid hormone disruption (which will affect your metabolic rate and whole body function)
- Blood sugar imbalances, and poor blood sugar control
- Male and female infertility
- Menstrual symptoms - PMS, irregular cycles, painful periods and heavy bleeding and more
- Premature puberty and menstruation in girls, even as young as 7 years
- Breast cancers in women and men
- Ovarian and uterine cancers in women
- Endometriosis
- Weight gain
- Smaller penises and testicles in boys
- Reduced sperm count in males
- Genital defects
- Enlarged prostate in men
- Prostate cancer in men
- Manboobs and weight gain in men
- Gender dysphoria - a mismatch between physical gender and how one feels, favouring a more female identity especially in males.
- Plastic cookware and utensils
- Plastic kettles
- Drinking water from plastic water tanks
- Chemicals in shampoos, body washes and hair products
- Cosmetics
- Fragrances and perfumes
- Household cleaning products and vinyl products in flooring and cars
- Childrens' toys
- Thermal receipts from shops
- Canned vegetables, especially tomatoes (the cans are lined with BPA)
- And many more sources.
If you have any of the symptoms or conditions above, reducing your exposure to plastics needs to be a key initial step. Additional work will need to be done to reduce your levels of these chemicals, balance your hormone levels again, and improving your whole body health to recover - which is what I can do!