I'm going to talk about the dreaded "man flu"!
This particular strain only affects the males of the human species to cause a much more severe form of flu, which can be extremely debilitating, dangerous and even life threatening!
I see a disproportionate number of female clients to male clients, as women seem to be more concerned with not only their health, but that of their children. It's an obvious stereotypical mothering and caring trait. But men want to appear tough, strong and manly to provide for their family, that they tend to not look after themselves as much, or notice when they are dying... until it's too late!
Just because there are only a few published studies on "man flu" doesn't mean it doesn't exist!
So ladies, when your man says he feels like he is dying from flu, can't get up to make your tea, can't get to work, can't do those chores around the house, and hasn't the energy to move much more than his thumb on the remote control for Netflix, he needs URGENT help! Even if he doesn't really look so unwell, his man flu symptoms can be deceiving, so please take this warning and advice seriously!
The prevention of man flu is similar to what I have recommended in my previous flu articles, but the treatment is very specific and different to that of women and children.
The treatment of man flu MUST include the following:
- Full and exclusive access to the couch in the lounge room. NOT the bedroom, as this won't help him recover at all! If he has a man-cave, then that's an even better healing location!
- Full and exclusive access to satellite, cable or pay TV, AND the remote control! Especially sports channels, police car chase shows, or DIY handyman shows. If he is too weak to operate the remote control, then he needs some of his mates around for support. Phone them to help in his healing and recovery!
- Hot and home-cooked food. From nutritious and healing soups, stews, roasts with lots of vegies, and plenty of salt and chilli!
- Massages. It is well known that massages can move the often toxic lymphatic fluid so that the body can heal. Frequent head, foot or full body massages show that you want him to recover quickly, and that you care.
- Rest. On the couch in the lounge room is fine! Getting plenty of sleep, without having to worry about providing for your family, can help to strengthen his immune system to overcome the infection.
- See a Naturopath! Guys, it's not a pretty sight to see you suffering from man flu, so when you are feeling down from this, please see a Naturopath for a quicker recovery!