A very simple saliva test can be taken and sent away for genetic testing, and the results will take a couple of weeks to be sent back. I can then interpret the data and provide reports which show you:
1) Your ancestry origins on both your parent' s lineages
2) Any genetic "defects" or anomalies which can affect your digestion and utilisation of your foods, or which foods you should actually avoid based on your genes.
We are all unique! Our genes and DNA show this. Hence we all have different responses to the foods we eat. This is another reason why the government or medical guidelines for what you should be eating do not work - they do not take your individual genetics into account. Medical professionals say "we are all the same" and hence we should all eat the standard recommendations. Experienced Nutritionists and Naturopaths say "we are all different" and help people on a more personalised level, which is how it should be!
I have seen in practice that healthy foods or specific supplements which are supposed to be good for everyone, will work well for one person, but may not work for someone else. An example is "folic acid" or vitamin B9 which can cause adverse reactions in some people with a specific genetic defect, so this vitamin (often used in multivitamins and pregnancy vitamins) and should NOT be taken by those people. Then there's the "activated" form of this vitamin (methylfolate) which should be used for people with this issue, but CANNOT be used for people with a different genetic defect!
Alternatively, we all know people who can eat all the wrong foods and not put on weight or get sick - because they will have different genes to you! You might be doing all the right things with your diet, but you may still have weight or health issues.
The only way to know whether you are going to have a positive or negative reaction for a supplement or some foods is to get a genetic test such as the one I am now offering as a new service!
If you have a specific genetic defect which is related to the digestion and utilisation of foods and if you are following the generalised "we are all the same" food guidelines then this is a recipe for disaster for your health. This can lead to many different chronic (long-term) health conditions, simply because you may not be eating the right foods for YOU and YOUR genes!
I use a US-based genetic testing company which checks for about 600,000 genetic defects in a simple and non-invasive saliva test. Once I have the test results, I interpret the data for the nutritional and metabolic genes, then a detailed report is produced. Your report includes a detailed explanation and what you should do to improve your health, based on your genes!
Some common conditions or signs for which there are genetics defects causing nutrient or metabolic effects include autism spectrum disorders, heart disease, mental health issues, degenerative brain conditions, fatigue, fertility and pregnancy issues, inflammation, and other chronic (long-term) health conditions.
A genetic test and nutrigenomics can help to tailor a holistic treatment, nutrients and supplements specifically to you, as we are all different! To find out more about nutrigenomics or to arrange for your genetic test, please contact me.