- The first study was poorly designed, with a bad methodology, and the authors found issues with the mRNA shots causing spontaneous abortions and miscarriages which was clear in the data, and yet they concluded that there were NO issues of safety in pregnant women.
- The second study repeated the first study by reviewing the same data, and was more explicit in its findings, and concluded that the original study was badly designed, the original authors misinterpreted their data, and ignored the 82-92% pregnancy loss when the mRNA shots were given in trimestes 1 or 2, or 12.9% in trimester 3.
The authors of the original study initially got a lot of positive publicity as it was what the authorities wanted to hear, but later turned into negative publicity because of their poor study and their deliberate hiding of the facts, and their study conclusion which was a lie - but then the fact-checking began.
But instead the authors of the second study got even more negative response, but only because their findings went against the "scientific" vax agenda. The authors who work as professors at a NZ university, were demanded to retract their review of the original study by their employer... no doubt a threat of their job was made, which is all too familiar at the moment. Not because of a poor study, but because of WHAT they said in it, despite the data being there as clear as day, and their study being peer-reviewed and approved for publishing in a major medical journal...
Sadly this is an all too familiar situation, and another very poor reflection of "science" at the moment:
- That the purpose of science is to question everything, especially the popular opinion of the day, to test whether the current believe is actually true, or to come up with new truths.
- Just because a study is published doesn't mean that it is actually true... Sadly the scientific community are not immune to corruption, bias, poor methodologies, corporate funding in return for favourable study outcomes, hoax studies being published, misinterpretation of data, manipulation of data, rubber stamp peer reviews (or none at all) and many other issues
- I've yet to see any any real quality science being used, recommended or mentioned by the authoprities in almost 2 years of this pandemic circus
- Many proven preventions or treatments (from quality studies) have been ignored, suppressed or banned by the authorities when these could have improved health and prevented cases and deaths
- There is good quality science and bad quality science too
- Social media "fact-checkers" are being paid by their relevant platforms to follow the government and medical agenda, and to discredit, censor and remove any posts, memes or studies which question the agenda
- Even good quality studies have been forcibly retracted or pulled, even after being peer-reviewed (for quality and acceptance of the data) because of outrage in the media or in medical circles, because the authors of the studies dared to question the accepted belief and published findings which showed that the current vax agenda has serious issues of concern or safety
- Even when I fully reference my articles with the published studies or data, this still isn't good enough for FB and the "fact-checkers". Their opposing "science" doesn't negate mine...
Believe nothing. Question everything. Speak your truth. Stay healthy.