The other thing that annoys me is the so-called fundraising by cancer charities who beg for your hard-earned dollars for "research", when most of it goes into their administration costs and expenses to keep themselves going. They also make appalling decisions regarding their fundraising - and I have seen 2 such examples in the past day.
1) The Cancer Council - are advertising for fundraising for "Australia's Biggest Morning Tea" later this month, to get people and businesses/corporates to host a morning tea with plenty of "delicious food" in return for a donation.
2) The Breast Cancer Network Australia - are advertising for the "Pink Bun Campaign" with a national bakery chain to make a special pink bun with sweet bread, icing and pink sprinkles, where all proceeds go to the BCNA.
The problem with these campaigns is that they are using unhealthy foods that actually CAUSE and PROMOTE cancer growth and development! Irony at its finest. Sugar, and other carbohydrate-rich foods that break down into sugar in the body (ie bakery and grain products such as flour) and the chemical preservatives etc in these sweet foods have been shown in much research to cause cancers.
"Charities" like these do not have a clue about what they are actually doing to your health, or the consequences of their actions. If these charities are really about research and prevention, why don't they know that sugary foods and drinks will cause cancer?! Why should they get your dollars if they are wasting it on their costs, including their massive TV advertising budget on these events, and not on real prevention or research? Why aren't they instead recommending a "healthy" option and education program instead?
As I have done in the past and will continue to, I would be suggesting that you boycott these events, and tell these charities to look at what they are actually doing.
There's plenty of research evidence that the effectiveness of some natural treatment options far exceed those of chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer, including nutritional improvements and supplements, herbal medicines, reducing stresses and emotional traumas, reducing exposure to toxic chemicals in foods and the environment, and many more. This is how I can help people with cancer.
I know that the general public and supporters of these charities are well-meaning and want to help, but these unhealthy fundraisers are not the way to do it. My article is not against anyone touched by cancer, or supporters of these charities, but the charities themselves who have no clue of the consequences of their activities.