Yes it's coming up to the season of colds and flu again (where I am in Australia)! But it shouldn't be, if you understand how your immune system works to protect you and how to properly prepare your body to prevent catching the cold or flu.
Both common colds and influenza are caused by viruses. Colds generally have a slower and gradual onset, while the flu can be quite sudden and usually more severe. Does it really matter whether you have the cold or flu? No! Only a laboratory test can confirm one way or the other. Is the prevention and treatment the same for each? Yes!
Your immune system is constantly on guard to protect you from all bacteria and viruses. The immune system cells are always actively killing and removing these pathogens and preventing you from "catching" an infection. You don't catch a cold or flu because it is "going around" or that it is highly infectious, because research has proven that this isn't the case[1]. You only catch a cold or flu infection when your immune system isn't strong enough to overcome the virus, and the virus gets beyond your protective barriers to infect cells, replicate and spread to other cells.
Therefore having a strong immune system is a key requirement for the prevention of colds and flu!
If you are regularly getting colds or flu during Winter, you need to keep watching this page for the next articles on what you need to do to help your immune system!
I also have a 1-hour "Cold and Flu Prevention" presentation I do for community groups, teams and corporates, to inform people on how to stay healthy over Winter. Contact me for details, or see my Seminars page for this and other health presentations available.