Now as a result of the latest announcement and lockdowns, the government can extend their emergency powers to continue this scam for longer.
I will repeat - the more people get tested for the coronavirus, the more cases they will find, from people who have no symptoms (and who never get any) because the PCR test is inaccurate and up to 80% of positive results are found to be negative on a retest. That is, 80% of positive results are "false positives", which the fear-mongering government and media will use against everyone to bring about more restrictions and lockdowns. I predicted this would happen as a result of their fear campaign to get more people tested. As a result, just 4 alleged cases amongst 5 million people in a small part of the state, has now affected everyone.
This will all end when 1) we stop getting tested, and 2) stop believing what the government and media are telling you, and 3) you stop letting them get away with this control of your life.
Here's the details of the Qld Government's emergency powers and dates: