Considering that we cannot trust the news media to tell the whole truth, as they are restricted by their owners, as well as your governments, to not want to cause panic or “misinformation” (also known as “censorship”), and other factors, we should take what the media says with some skepticism!
We also know that we cannot trust what the communist Chinese government says, as they for many reasons, would not want the world to know that:
1) The virus appears to be man-made in the BSL-4 rated (ie, in other words, a biowarfare lab) Wuhan Institute of Virology, where scientists there have published many papers on how clever they are in playing with the genetics of the SARS coronavirus, which is 96% similar to this new COVID-19 named coronavirus
2) The real numbers of people affected or died from the infection are not accurate. With so many people living in China and who were swamping hospitals in the early days, they do not have the resources to test everyone for a confirmed coronavirus infection, or even treat them. Hence the “official” numbers are very much on the very low end of reality. Leaked estimates of statistics have the infection rate at about 1.5 million and death rate at about 50,000
3) Cities with 10 million or more people are in complete military lockdown (aka “quarantine”), with no access to food, services, transport, or healthcare. A self-imposed quarantine at home when you are sick with a cold or flu can prevent you passing on the infection to others. But in an epidemic like this, a forced lockdown with potentially infected people can spread the infection far more
4) The true mortality rate is not 2-3% as was officially announced, but in fact is 11-15%, based on published studies done that I have read, one of which was published in the prestigious Lancet journal recently (Chen et al., 2020). This makes this infection a LOT more serious than anyone in the media or governments have publicly said.…/PIIS0140-6736(20)3021…/fulltext…
All is not well in China, and they know it, and they are taking drastic measures to try and contain this virus. Other countries aren't.
Several recent studies have shown that coronavirus infections are more likely to affect males (up to 67%) who are older (55 years and higher), especially those with existing chronic conditions (55%) that cause weaker immune systems, which can result in severe and fatal respiratory distress. In this study, the death rate was 11%, which is far higher than the official figures of 2-3% from the secretive Chinese media.
The air quality in Chinese cities is not great, and most males in China smoke, which reduces their health, their lung function, and makes them more susceptible to chronic diseases and the coronavirus infection.
As I have mentioned in my earlier articles, if you are concerned about this virus, there are many things which you can do to improve your immune system function, to stay healthy, and reduce your risks.
Unfortunately, our regulatory authority (the Therapeutic Goods Administration or TGA, in Australia) has put out a public notice to all health practitioners to not provide any advice or recommendations directly or indirectly related to this coronavirus! They only want “official” methods and therapies recommended that have been scientifically proven effective against this specific coronavirus.
I guess the TGA has forgotten that, in times of a new health issue like now, that anecdotal evidence ALWAYS comes first, before any published, peer-reviewed evidence?! Published evidence takes too long. If they are only going to rely on published evidence as their "accepted" evidence, then potentially tens or hundreds of thousands of people will die needlessly. There are many simple and basic practices and treatments which have initially found in the past to be anecdotally proven effective against all previous infections, long before any study was published to "officially" prove it.
Such methods include washing hands, to improved hygiene practices, to higher dose vitamin C, antiviral or immune supporting herbal remedies, vitamin and mineral supplements that support your immune system to do what it already knows what to do against ANY known or unknown new infection.
So I can’t repeat or go into detail in this article some of the easy strategies and treatments for improving your immune system function… but read my previous articles!
I'm sure there are no published studies as yet proving that washing hands can prevent or reduce the risk of spreading this coronavirus, but the TGA and various health departments and hospitals around Australia and the world have this advice as very basic prevention step, based on anecdotal or past evidence!
To go hunting for practitioners giving simple preventative advice that is based on past evidence of effectiveness, but not yet "proven" against this coronavirus is disgraceful.
There's no official pharmaceutical medications that have been proven effective against coronavirus in published studies as yet either, but we know that such medications are being used, based on their PAST evidence! This is not a time to be denying or restricting what people can do to prevent and treat this virus, especially when we cannot believe the official infection and mortality rates from a secretive foreign government.
In a follow-up article I will provide suggestions which have worked against other coronaviruses (like the common cold virus or SARS etc), with referenced proof!
Stay healthy!