Considering that no vaccine in history has come close to being 95% effective in allegedly preventing an infection, and many vaccines have never been able to be produced despite huge budgets and years of trying (such as the common cold virus, HIV, and the SARS and MERS coronavirus vaccines) how are these companies getting such results just in a few months after the outbreak? Let's look into this in more detail...
Some of the major pharmaceutical companies close to finishing their trials and producing COVID vaccines include AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna. I'll look into each of them in turn.
AstraZeneca have been running multiple trials together with Oxford University, in the UK, USA, India, Brazil, Japan, and South Africa (AstraZeneca, 2020).
AstraZeneca are being very secretive about the details of their clinical trials and their results, and not releasing the data which allegedly shows positive results (The Guardian, 2020b). After some of their competitors released their trial protocols, AstraZeneca finally released their trial protocol, but not their data. They aim to develop a vaccine with 50% effectiveness (being the FDA requirement for vaccine approval) (Becker's Hospital Review, 2020).
AstraZeneca are creating a genetically-modified vaccine using a defective modified chimpanzee adenovirus with the coronavirus spike protein. The vaccine attempts to stimulate an immune response to the coronavirus spike protein, so that the immune system will recognise the spike protein in a future infection (AstraZeneca, 2020).
Pfizer are developing a new "messenger RNA" (mRNA) vaccine, which does not actually contain the COVID-19 virus. Instead, the mRNA vaccine trains cells to produce a piece of protein which matches the "spike protein" on the surface of the coronavirus, which the cells release and this stimulates an immune response and trains the immune system to recognise and destroy the virus (Pfizer, 2020). Allegedly.
Pfizer is testing their mRNA vaccine on 44,000 volunteers. They reported 170 COVID-19 cases in the volunteers, with 162 in the placebo group and 8 in the vaccine group.
They get their 95% effectiveness by comparing the COVID cases between the placebo group against the vaccine group, as (8/162) * 100% = 4.9% or rounded up to 5% COVID cases in the vaccinated group compared to 95% in the non-vaccinated group. Therefore, they say their vaccine is 95% effective!
Moderna are producing a very different mRNA based vaccine, and currently testing on 30,000 volunteers. In this trial, 95 people still contracted COVID-19, with 90 of them in the placebo group and 5 in the vaccine group.
Moderna claim their 95% vaccine effectiveness using the same method as Pfizer: (5/90) * 100% = 5.5%, hence 94.5% effectiveness or rounded up to 95%.
The COIVID vaccine clinical trials are supposed to be about:
1) Testing for efficacy (ie, effectiveness) of the vaccine to PREVENT infections, to prime the immune system and produce ANTIBODIES against the infection, to prevent TRANSMISSION of the infection, and prevent DEATHS!
2) Testing for safety, to make sure that those receiving the vaccine do not get any serious adverse effects (or ANY adverse effects, which is actually impossible), and that the vaccine is not worse than the actual infection in the short term or in the long term.
But none of the major clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccines have been designed to record or test for these 2 critical elements of safety or efficacy! None of the current vaccine trials have been setup to detect that the vaccine will result in a reduction of infections, a reduction of symptoms, the production of antibodies, a reduction of serious outcomes such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths, or a reduction in transmissions (Doshi, 2020). Then what the hell are they actually testing?! It seems they are "testing" NOTHING at all. Other than perhaps some basic maths, which they have no real evidence for...
The vaccine companies are in fact just committing FRAUD, to deceive the regulators, the media, politicians, doctors, and YOU, for their personal financial gain. The "testing" of their vaccines is simply a race to the finish line - to be the first to be able to mass-produce billions of vaccines, while fudging the paperwork to make it look like it works, when it doesn't. As shown above, they aren't even testing their vaccines properly.
And the vaccine companies are committing FRAUD by skipping over the usual test phases (ie, animal trials, which have typically found a lot of problems in past vaccines) as well as ignoring proper safety and efficacy outcomes that they are supposed to be testing for (British Medical Journal, 2020).
They also have no idea of the long-term implications of the COVID vaccines in 3 or 6 or 12 months, or years after vaccination, as no long-term testing will be done before being released to the public. The manufacturers are also not looking at testing specific age groups - for children who have had next to no effects or deaths from the virus, or the elderly with their reduced immune response to all other vaccines, or pregnant women, or those with comorbid conditions. There will be no testing done on these factors, and people in these groups have actually been excluded from the vaccine trials (Doshi, 2020). See the attached table showing all these groups being excluded from the major vaccine trials (Doshi, 2020).
Many governments and health regulators have said that they would approve "safe and effective" COVID vaccines. I hope they will read far more into the manufacturer's testing data than the fudged effectiveness figures they are already quoting... UPDATE: I was confident that the regulators would do the right thing, but then this is 2020 and common sense and science has completely gone out the window. The UK health regulator has today (2nd Dec, 2020) approved the Pfizer COVID vaccine based on their fraudulent 95% effectiveness claims. The UK will begin rolling out this vaccine within days). (The Guardian, 2020). Also, if the Pfizer vaccine has only recently been completed and only just approved, how can they start rolling out millions of doses within days, as the company and government have said, unless it had already been producing that many vaccines for months?! So they have been producing an untested and unapproved vaccine for months, and just doing the paperwork (ie, "testing" and data manipulation) as a formality...
Most governments, such as in the USA and Australia, have already exempted the vaccine manufacturers from any liability from lawsuits due to any side effects, adverse reactions, or deaths that may result from their COVID vaccines. This isn't helping those companies to keep them honest or to test for or make a safe or effective product, as we have just seen.
Some of these concerns, and more, have been raised by other doctors and scientists, including Peter Doshi, an associate editor of the British Medical Journal, who I have referenced in this article (Doshi, 2020). He has been calling for independence and transparency in the COVID-19 clinical trials and their data and findings.
And the worst thing is... the government, and your favourite airline, cafe or restaurant, and even your job, are ready to stop you using any of these services, based on a BS pathology test which doesn't work, and a BS vaccine which also hasn't been tested properly, not likely to work or be as effective as the manufacturers say, or even be safe (as it has not been tested for this!)... All of our future lives are likely to depend on the outcomes of these vaccines, the lobbying from the pharmaceutical companies, and the stupid politicians that implement new laws based on all these fraudulent and untested vaccines.
If you make more people aware of this information and that our lives cannot and must not be dependent on these vaccines, we can stop this madness.
My next article will be on other findings of theses vaccine trials...
AstraZeneca. (2020). Clinical Study Protocol - Amendment 2 -A Phase III Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Multicenter Study in Adults to Determine the Safety, Efficacy, and Immunogenicity of AZD1222, a Non-replicating ChAdOx1 Vector Vaccine, for the Prevention of COVID-19. Retrieved 3rd December 2020 from
Becker's Hospital Review. (2020). AstraZeneca releases COVID-19 vaccine protocol. Retrieved 3rd December 2020 from
Doshi, P. (2020). Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us? British Medical Journal, 371. doi:
Pfizer. (2020a). mRNA - Technology at the forefront during a global pandemic. Retrieved 3rd December 2020 from
Pfizer. (2020b). A Phase 1/2/3, placebo-controlled, randomized, observer-blind, dose-finding study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, immunogenicity, and efficacy of SARS_COV-2 RNA vaccine candidates against COVID-19 in healthy individuals. Pfizer.
The Guardian. (2020a). UK approves Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine for rollout next week. Retrieved 3rd December 2020 from
The Guardian. (2020b). Oxford Covid vaccine works in all ages, trials suggest. Retrieved 3rd December 2020 from