This project has just become a whole lot worse... read on for more details.
Some observations of the new report include:
1) They propose to reduce the influence that the food industry have on food guidelines used by different countries around the world, because of their tendency to prevent health initiatives being implemented
2) They will promote their EAT-Lancet global diet to all levels of government, to all nations and communities and all people, by using international human rights laws, along with government organisations like the World Trade Organisation, European Union, the World Bank, United Nations and others.
3) They will force governments to stop giving subsidies to fossil fuel and food industries (about $5 trillion annually), and redirect those funds to other sustainable energy and food practices... in effect, for themselves to get these funds instead! Can you now see why they want to force this on you?!
4) They want to overcome the powerful energy and food lobby groups which have prevented government policies being made which keep people and the environment unhealthy while they maintain their profits. For example, soft drink companies spent $50 million in the USA during 2016-17 to prevent government initiatives to reduce intake of soft drinks. The group are recommending stronger government structures to reduce conflicts of interest, including public education, social media marketing, government procurement, additional taxes... and subsidies, but they said this was a bad idea before!
5) They will utilise individual agents as influencers to getting their message out to the general public, in a "bottom-up" approach to go with the "top-down" influencing through government policies in all levels to change public opinions
6) They want to make individuals take responsibility for their own health, by reducing social prejudices on obese or unhealthy people or on their gender, religion and race
7) They will increase awareness of access to efficient cooking stoves (?!) to improve nutrition
8) The report admits that the world CAN produce enough food for everyone, but undernutrition and deficiencies still exist in more than one third of the world's population. Ironically, 99% will be deficient with this plan, and only the 1% who are part of the project possibly getting enough...
9) Animal crops which produce red meat are allegedly a problem and intake will be restricted in this global diet, because one third of the world's grain crops go towards feeding them and not us! Cattle for example are NOT naturally meant to eat grains! The only reason they are fed grains is because grains are high in carbohydrates, which gets turned into fat! So grain-fed cattle become larger and fatter. And this group want YOU to eat more grains, to fatten you up before slaughter?!
10) Red meat in excess is blamed in the report as causing obesity! Not in most people as I see it, but it's the carbs, sugar and grains which are! The report says "Animal-source foods, including meat, provide a rich source of highly bioavailable micronutrients, especially for young children, and make an important contribution to high quality diets when consumed in moderation"! So why are they effectively banning animal foods, with the exception of one-fifth of an egg, or one-tenth of a sausage, as per their 7 grams of red meat per day?
11) They are proposing to promote their implementation of the EAT-Lancet diet worldwide, in a similar way to how cigarettes were demonised and and smokers being alienated, in an attempt to get governments and the public to change and comply to their dietary recommendations
Their goal is to reduce poor nutrition and its ongoing costs on the health system and environment, estimated at $3.5 trillion annually. Ironically, this project will actually INCREASE levels of poor nutrition by causing more nutrient deficiencies in more people than ever before, as reviews of this diet have shown it is deficient in vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin K, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, omega-3 fats, protein and amino acids, and more!
This new report also makes an impossible claim that their plans (along with spending 1% of GDP) will stop the increase in climate change!
I've recently watched George Orwell's 1984 movie again, and the EAT-Lancet global diet being forced on everyone is a blatant New World Order policy, if I've ever seen one. It is unscientific, unproven, biased, elitist, and undemocratic. It is a commercial profit-making enterprise, disguised as a global public health directive, and funded by the world's taxpayers, who are only going to get sicker as a result of this.