Medications don't fix anything. They just trick the body into hiding your symptoms, to make you feel better. Take for instance pain-killing medications - they perform clever things to your biochemical pathways to stop the pain-causing neurotransmitters and/or the cellular receptors from responding to the neurotransmitters, so you don't FEEL the pain. Even though the root causes of the pain are still there, still triggering the pain, and still triggering the pain neurotransmitters...
Or cough medicines which stop you coughing. Never mind that the coughing is a natural mechanism to get the infected mucus and wastes out of your body! Hence you stay more infected and sicker for longer...
Or anti-inflammatory medications which reduce inflammation. Never mind that inflammation is your immune system's natural healing process, so you are in fact prolonging your injury, preventing healing and preventing your immune system from working, which in turn can lead to more infections and over time, cancer.
Or medications to reduce indigestion, reflux, or heartburn etc, by reducing the amount of stomach acid that your stomach produces, to reduce your symptoms. Never mind that your stomach is supposed to be acidic in order to digest your food and release all the nutrients that you eat! If you aren't digesting your foods, you won't be absorbing the nutrients from your foods, and you will quickly become deficient in a large number of nutrients, which in turn cause many more symptoms and conditions, which you may likely reach for more medications to try to hide.... and never actually fix anything. All the while, your health gets worse and worse.
Medications can't fix a poor diet. Medications can't correct nutrient deficiencies. What you need instead is to fix the root causes of your symptoms, which WILL give you long-term resolution and prevention of recurrence!
Sadly, this is not what doctors or the medical system do. They "treat" symptoms (really, they just "manage" symptoms) with medications or surgery.
I instead, as a Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath and Herbalist, focus on finding all the root causes of all your symptoms and putting together a plan to treating and fixing those root causes, as well as using better and safer options to reduce symptoms and make you feel better, while fixing the causes.
Finding and fixing any nutrient deficiencies is also a very important aspect of what I do, which can be done through signs and symptoms and/or pathology testing. It is also interesting to note that most medications actually CAUSE many nutrient deficiencies, which is also something I check that your medications are doing...
Don't just hide your symptoms! Get rid of them forever, by finding and fixing the root causes. That is what I can help you with!