Some of you may have seen the "latest" potential cancer treatment in the news, which in some recent tests involves taking some white blood cells out of the body, then the cells are modified somehow, returned to the body and "trained" to destroy cancer cells. It sounds amazing, except this isn't new at all!
Your body's white blood cells, in particular the CD4+ T-cells and NK (Natural Killer) cells, have a primary task every day to find and destroy virus-infected AND cancer cells! They do this naturally without any help!
However you need to provide the right conditions for these immune system cells to be able to do their job to prevent damaged cells (ie cancer cells) from getting out of control. As your foods are your building blocks of your cells, what you eat is central to the prevention and treatment of cancer. But there's a lot more to it than that - your digestive system function needs to be optimal, stresses need to be removed and handled better, and other lifestyle and environmental factors will need to be investigated and improved too. This is the holistic (whole body) approach to Nutritional Medicine, which I do.
You don't need to wait for this "new" treatment. It can be done now! I would like to be able to help you sooner rather than later.
See my cancer information page here for more details.