As a Nutritionist and Naturopath, can anything be done for mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, stress, and neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and others? Yes, there is a lot that I can do to help!
It used to be said that mental health conditions like depression were caused by an imbalance of hormones or chemicals in the brain. That is only partly true. But recent research shows that there are other things that cause these imbalances of hormones. Attempting to fix the imbalances with medications (ie, antidepressants and others) is futile and dangerous, because they do not actually address the root causes.
Your hormones are made from ingredients in your body. You make them every day from what you take in – from your FOOD! You know that some foods make you feel great with lots of energy, while other foods can make you feel sluggish, and giving you pains and digestive upsets. This is because your food becomes you, in the form of new cells and hormones every day! You can only have the best of mental and physical health when you provide your body with the right foods that YOUR body needs, as what might be right for someone else may not be right for you.
Research shows that various vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to mental health conditions. It can be as simple as that! But what may be lacking needs further investigation to find the right treatment for you. Taking an antidepressant is NOT going to address these deficiencies, but they attempt to make you feel better (that’s if they work for you at all), and all the while your body is getting sicker because it’s deficient in certain nutrients. And then there’s the side effects of the medications such as digestive conditions, weight gain, worsening depression and suicidal thoughts, and more. Does a doctor even look into the possibility of a nutritional deficiency causing depression, anxiety or any other "mental illness"? No, they don't! They aren't trained in nutrition or the effects it has on the body.
Your food intake isn’t the only cause for mental health conditions, as stress, digestive conditions, infections, medications and lifestyle factors can all play a part too. Hence to truly treat and resolve mental health conditions, you need to have a completely holistic treatment plan – which is what I do!
I also have a 1-hour mental health seminar that I have developed for corporations and community groups, to inform and empower people to better understand mental health conditions and how to improve your health holistically. Please let me know if you would like me to present this at your location.
If you or anyone you know has a mental health issue, I would be love to be able to help you! Please like and share this, so I may be able to help others with their mental health too!