What is certain though is that we do need adequate good quality sleep every night, as otherwise our health can begin to suffer and cause daily problems, leading to longer-term chronic conditions.
A list of some things that can affect your sleep include the following:
- stress, worries, anger etc,
- eating dinner to close to bedtime,
- increasing age,
- having kids! (or pregnancy, breastfeeding etc),
- alcohol intake,
- coffee/caffeine intake,
- too much water before bedtime, causing interrupted sleep and the need to urinate,
- drugs and medications,
- shift work,
- a less than ideal diet,
- your bedroom environment,
- use of electronic devices before bedtime or in the bedroom,
- other lifestyle factors.
The risks of not getting enough sleep or poor quality sleep include the following:
- mood swings and irritability,
- fatigue,
- poor concentration and memory function,
- snacking and subsequent weight gain (and even weight gain on its own),
- depression,
- post-natal depression,
- reduced immune system function leading to illnesses and infections (colds and flu etc),
- and more...
If your sleep quality isn't ideal or if you recognise any of the symptoms of poor sleep above, please contact Ross Walter Nutritionist to see how he can help you to sleeping better and improving your health!