Here's some more detail, as to how the PCR process works, or really DOESN'T work, and why it cannot prove that you have the coronavirus.
The PCR testing process was developed by Dr Kary Mullis in 1985, who received a Nobel prize for chemistry in 1993 for his invention. The PCR process was designed to amplify or replicate pieces of DNA (ie a subset of a known RNA/DNA sequence) to increase their numbers substantially, to allow for this to be used for research purposes. Dr Mullis always stated that the PCR process should not be used for diagnostic testing for many reasons:
1) The small subset of an RNA/DNA sequence that is used in the PCR process is not the actual virus! It might be a very small part of it, or the sequence might actually match RNA/DNA of another virus, or it could be a contaminant
2) The PCR process is highly affected by contamination. If there are any other RNA/DNA or contaminants in the sample, they too will be amplified and replicated and thus affecting the outcome of the process to cause false positive or false negative results
3) The PCR process is run a number of times, called cycles, to repeat the process and further amplify the number of RNA/DNA subsets in the sample, until sufficient numbers are produced
4) The outcome of the PCR test is a sample with an exponential number of RNA/DNA pieces. The test outcome is just a count or number of those RNA/DNA pieces. The test result does NOT give a "positive" or "negative" outcome!
5) How do the labs determine the number of DNA/RNA particles in a test sample is deemed "positive" or "negative"? That depends on the lab and how they decide to interpret the result!
6) There is no standard or universally accepted protocol for the number of cycles used in the PCR process. Different countries use a different number of cycles, and even use a different number of cycles for different tests. If a too-small number of cycles is performed, ALL test results will have small numbers and all people will receive a "negative" test result. Or if too many cycles are run, EVERYONE will return a "positive" result!
From the TGA's own website (TGA, 2020), they say:
- "The reliability of COVID-19 tests (using PCR) is uncertain due to the limited evidence base. Available evidence mainly comes from asymptomatic patients, and their clinical role in detecting asymptomatic carriers is unclear"
- "The extent to which a positive PCR result correlates with the infectious state of an individual is still being determined".
- It cannot be used in someone who currently has a respiratory infection (a cold, flu or COVID-19), as development of antibodies takes approximately 2 weeks or longer to produce
- Someone who has recently had COVID-19 may not have developed antibodies yet when tested, and so this can give a negative result to this test
- The blood spot antibody testing is not specific enough to the coronavirus - as antibodies to other human coronaviruses (such as the common cold virus) will give a positive test result! (TGA, 2020). Hence someone who has not had the coronavirus may show positive to having antibodies.
To make matters worse, the WHO have given recommendations to governments and their health systems to record COVID deaths based on assumptions (ie, not testing), and when someone dies WITH COVID, rather than FROM it. This is highlighted when 98% of those who allegedly die from COVID have 2 or more chronic health conditions. In many countries and cases, deaths have been recorded as from COVID from suicides, shootings, accidents and other unrelated deaths. The WHO and health authorities seem to want to inflate the incidence and death rates - why?!
Even with the very inaccurate PCR test, the average rate of positive COVID-19 test results in Australia is just 0.3% of all COVID-19 tests performed! In reality, that figure, if the test was accurate, would be much, much lower.
Here's some more very interesting statistics:
The total COVID-19 mortality rate in Australia is only 122.
The mortality rate in Australia of positive tests is only 0.01%.
The mortality rate in Australia as a percentage of the population is just 0.0004%.
Or more positively, 99.99% of Australians survive this virus.
In the early days of the outbreak, the government and health officials were predicting over a hundred thousand deaths, which if had occurred, would justify some of their restrictions, lockdowns and changes to our way of life. But not for the statistics we have here.
So why are our health authorities and governments causing such a fear campaign over such low incidence and mortality statistics? Why are the same people relying on these inaccurate and unscientific tests to control everyone for longer?! Because there's a lot of other things going on in this plandemic... No sane or well-meaning politician would be implementing the restrictions and recommendations they are doing, based on these statistics, for something which has such a miniscule impact on your health or on the country. There is another agenda going on that they don't want you to know about.
Question everything. And stay healthy!