Firstly I do not recommend calorie counting anyway, as it is not necessary and people who do this tend to become obsessed with it and actually eat less real nutrients that their body REALLY needs in order to function. Such dieting can therefore lead to nutrient deficiencies (and subsequent disease conditions), cravings for more food, and the often inevitable giving into those cravings and further weight gain.
So if it is not the excess amount of calories that people are eating that is causing weight gain, then what is it? I'm glad you asked! Here is a list of SOME of the major causes of weight gain:
- Genetic predisposition,
- Type of food/drinks consumed,
- Lack of exercise,
- Stress and emotional issues,
- Slow/low metabolism, menopause, hormone conditions,
- Quantity of food/drinks being consumed,
- When do you eat, and with whom, how fast, where…
- The food that what you ate – what did it eat? (ie animal products)
- Medications (corticosteroids, antibiotics, antidepressants etc)
- Artificial sweeteners, chemicals in foods,
- Increasing age,
- Lack of sleep,
- toxicity in the body and in foods,
- food allergies and sensitivities,
- Imbalance in gut bacteria.
If you are doing all you can to be a healthy weight but can't, please contact me on 0417 632 464 to make a booking for a consultation so I can determine what your cause may be, and help you to achieving your perfect weight!
Good health to you!