As I've said in my previous articles on the topic, our medicines and supplements regulator (the Therapeutic Goods Administration or TGA) has warned all health practitioners to not recommend any products or therapies or make any claims that they can either prevent or treat the coronavirus, unless there is published evidence of their effectiveness against this specific virus.
But of course with this virus being very new, there is NO evidence of any therapy, either natural or pharmaceutical, that can claim to prevent or treat this infection. There is NO evidence that washing your hands will prevent this coronavirus! Yet the TGA, and health departments and doctors are happy to be hypocrites and recommend this and basically nothing else, because they have nothing else to help you.
I find their lack of advice to you, and the public in general, to be pathetic and next to useless. Their lack of acceptance of natural preventatives or treatments based on PAST evidence on all other types of coronaviruses, is insane and likely to cost a lot more people their lives. They SHOULD be recommending more preventative strategies based on past evidence. But they aren't...
Since I can't apparently give you advice or recommendations, I will tell you what I would do!
But firstly, since there is no vaccine for this new virus, you are totally dependent on your immune system for protection, prevention and recovery for this infection. Your immune systems have developed over millennia to protect you 24/7 from any and all known and unknown infections. Your immune systems are amazing! They know exactly what to do whenever a new bacteria or virus comes along that it hasn't seen before. That's why you need to help your immune system to do its job!
Washing your hands won't help much at all, especially when you can simply BREATHE in the virus from being in close proximity to others who are infected.
I started recommending strategies and products for immune system support weeks ago, when the virus first started making the news. I need to actively support my immune system, because if I don't, I can get infections easily. That's just my dodgy genetics combined with not looking after myself at times in the past!
The main strategies and products I use for prevention include:
• Vitamin C at a higher dose - vitamin C is a proven immune system stimulant, effective against most infections in research studies and including against other forms of the coronavirus (the common cold virus and SARS). However, a 100mg, 250mg or 500mg daily dose of vitamin C is nowhere near enough! This is a deficiency-preventing dose, not a therapeutic dose. I am taking at last 2000mg daily for prevention at this time.
• Vitamin D at a higher dose - Vitamin D is a huge immune system booster, anti-inflammatory, and many other benefits. Low vitamin D levels are the cause of seasonal flu outbreaks and other respiratory infections. We usually see such respiratory infection outbreaks in winter, when vitamin D levels are lowest! Many studies show improving vitamin D levels by supplementing in the cooler months can reduce incidences and severity of colds and flu! All the more reason to start getting onto this now that summer is over! I am taking 4000IU daily now.
• Zinc - I find that a large percentage of my clients are deficient in this essential mineral, which is needed for good immune system function against infections, and a lot of other uses and benefits. Dose - once daily (avoid zinc oxide products). I take 1x 25-30mg dose daily.
• Probiotics - Your probiotic bacteria in your digestive tract make most of your immune system proteins, hence its importance in improving your immune system function. A good quality multi-strain probiotic is good, or regular fermented foods, together with a healthy variety of foods can greatly help your immune system. I would take one capsule once daily to start.
• Herbal medicines - many herbal medicines have immune system boosting effects as proven in published research, as well as some having antiviral effects, even against other coronavirus species! One very well tolerated (and tasty) one is elderberry - which has immune stimulating actions as well as being an antiviral herb. Also, garlic has potent antiviral and antimicrobial effects! Both elderberry and garlic have been shown effective against other coronavirus strains in research. Licorice (the real licorice, not the sweet lolly form!) also has antiviral effects against other coronaviruses. There are a lot more herbs which can help your immune system and have antiviral effects. I can't recommend more here or their doses, as other factors need to be taken into account, such as medication interactions and personalised dosing etc. See me for more advice on these.
• Water intake - keeping up your water intake is very important! Sufficient water will keep your mucus membranes in your nose and respiratory tract nice and moist, which will trap and stop viruses and bacteria from infecting your cells there.
• Good hygiene - This is the only thing that you are being told to do - wash your hands regularly with soap and water, and stop touching your face, eyes and nose etc. Sneeze or cough into the crook of your arm/elbow, and not into your hand!
• Sleep quality and quantity - this is needed for cellular and tissue repair, detoxing, and immune system functions. So make sure to get sufficient quantity and quality sleep!
• Reducing stress - Stress not only depletes some essential nutrients needed for your immune system, but stress reduces your immune system function on its own. Hence reduce your stress exposure, or improve how you deal with stress. Exercise, meditation, breathing exercises, and more can help reduce the effects of stress.
• Improving your nutrient intake - your immune system is reliant on a variety of nutrients to make your white blood cells (your infection-fighting cells). Avoid sugary foods and drinks, as these can reduce your vitamin C levels, increase inflammation and weaken your immune system. Similarly, reduce intake of high carbohydrate foods, such as grain-based products like cereals, breads, pasta, bakery products and alcohol, as these have the same effects as sugar. Eat more vegetables, more protein and healthy fats too!
I'm not concerned about the coronavirus, because I have been doing the above to reduce my risks, as well as supporting my immune system. However, I am concerned for others who have chronic health issues who are much more at risk of this infection. But if you know friends or family who are at risk, getting them to use the above recommendations will greatly reduce their risks of getting this infection or reducing the severity of it.
The media are beating up this issue far more than necessary, causing much stress and panic. Remember that the infection has at least a 97% survival rate! We need common sense to prevail, not knee-jerk government reactions such as lockdowns or restrictions on rights and freedoms.
Buying more toilet paper won't prevent or treat this coronavirus! The above points can!
Don't rely on your government or health authorities to protect you, because they are next to useless at the moment on this issue.
Stay healthy!