The PCR testing process used for COVID and other viruses was never invented for or intended to be used for diagnostic purposes! It was only designed to generate an increasing amount of genetic material (DNA or RNA) given a subset of some existing DNA/RNA.
The rt-PCR test being used for COVID testing involces a cycling function of a number of rounds that the test is repeated to generate enough DNA/RNA or genetic material from a sample to determine an alleged positive or negative result. The more cycles or rounds done in the lab, the more DNA/RNA material is generated, giving more genetic material, and therefore more people test positive for COVID.
If you cycle the test sample material 60 times, EVERY sample will generate a high amount of genetic material which is interpreted as a positive test result!
If you cycle the test sample material 30 times, SOME samples will generate a moderate amount of genetic material which can be interpreted as a positive test result, or a negative result!
If you cycle the test sample material just 10 times, every sample will have a low result of genetic material and NO-ONE tests positive!
There is no "gold standard" rule or recommendation by the WHO or anyone for how many PCR cycles are used for COVID testing. Different countries have a different number of cycles! Hence very different results of alleged incidences...
This means that the governments and labs have full control of how many people test positive or negative to COVID. And the results can be manipulated as needed...
We all should be very concerned by this abuse of science, being used to create fear of a pandemic that doesn't really exist. There MAY be a virus, but in many people who test positive but don't have or get any symptoms, there is something else going on - with the major issue being the PCR testing and interpretation of the results.